Manipulation. Exaggeration. Distortion. Filmmaking. Yes, those words can actually go together quite well. But so do these. Entertainment. Enlightenment. Education. Filmmaking. Say what now? Of course filmmaking is many things. It is what the filmmaker wants to make of it. We play God, can act like God, or choose not to. But whatever choices we make and whatever we do, a number of things usually appear to be happening. And they always involve a subjective point of view, a distortion of reality. A piece of illusion we tell you to pay attention to. A universe we create, sometimes with too much self importance, as we want you to pay attention to this, and that, and this. Because after all, we are creators, and that makes us a god, right?

This may all seem a bit heady and curiously out there, but it can be part of the danger in creating a piece of cinema. Influencing perspective and points of view can have consequences. Most of the time I try not to think of that. I am just trying to tell a visual story in a fresh and compelling way. But I must admit that sometimes requires distorting reality. Is that truly a bad thing?


Think about it. We filmmakers write a script from a particular point of view. We set the stage for action or dialogue in a particular way. We put the camera at a specific spot and move it with particular action. And then we cut it a certain way to enhance what we feel we must say or show. I would say that qualifies as manipulation, wouldn’t you? Now, this is probably no surprise to most thinking film goers. It just seems to be one of those wink-wink things that we don’t always want to talk about. We’re not really lying, right. Just stretching the truth or reality a bit to get a point or perspective across. The problem with that is … when over time you consider all the content that we consume and ingest, what affect is that having on us and our sense of living a true reality in our world? Don’t we have some kind of responsibility for those distorted pieces of cinema we put out to a hungry public? Or is that just up to the viewer? Unless, unless … we’ve become so jaded ourselves in this process that we actually think what we are putting out there is the real truth. And that we are Gods above all that. I don’t like or want to believe that at all. Unfortunately and sadly, I think there are filmmakers out there who feel this way.

Ah, but what about documentaries? The above mostly applies to fictional narrative films, there to tell a particular story. So yes, I think we’ve become used to being pushed around a certain way by these dramatic films. However, I’d like to think that with our documentaries there is much more truth to be told, and we can be more pure. And as we put together our new project, our first documentary, this is now foremost on my mind. So, I have to keep asking myself … Am I living up to it?

Yes, it is working on this project that I feel much more the responsibility burden on my back. I want to present a doc that has at its core a level of truth I can be proud of, but more importantly, one you as the audience can feel like you’ve gotten some ‘straight stuff’ about our world. But there is one caveat there for us in this project. Our subject matter may be somewhat contestable. Meaning, as we present a perspective and point of view about metaphysics, that in itself involves some interpretive work. And that is where the gray area may arrive for us. I see it as both a challenge and an opportunity, trying to get it as right as we can for our audience. I pledge that I will do that to the best of my ability. I guess in the end that is all I can hope to accomplish.


And finally, I can only say to you film viewers out there, please use critical thinking when taking in all this immense amount of media material in our current world. A filmmaker’s responsibility can only go so far. The rest is definitely up to you. Always make sure you are really living your life completely and fully, not just vicariously through our distorted lenses.

Where physics and metaphysics connect … inside you


Author: Jerry Alden Deal

Writer – Director – Producer of Way To Go Media, LLC.
Over the past thirty years Jerry has been hired numerous times to develop and write screenplays for other production companies. During that same period several of his spec scripts were also optioned. ‘Dreams Awake’ was Jerry’s feature directorial debut. He has several other projects in various stages of development. One of which, the feature documentary ‘The Inner Sonic Key’ is currently in post-production.

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