And Then There Was …

I’m going to go a little Hollywood on you now (warning: this is a long post). But I want to clarify first, that I am not overly impressed by the celebrity culture we seem to be living in now, and don’t take it too seriously. For various reasons I’m...

Balancing the Intricacies of Writing

We are all writers. Whether we author long form epic novels, pen heartfelt letters to our friends and family, or scratch out lists, menu items, or notes in journals to ourselves. It is one of the unique commonalities of communication among humans. Personally, I have...

The Key to … ?

Our documentary project THE INNER SONIC KEY is coming along in a bit of a haphazard way. There have been a couple drafts and yes now it is going through another rewrite. We originally wanted to release it this spring, but now spring is around the corner and it...

Lens Distortion

Manipulation. Exaggeration. Distortion. Filmmaking. Yes, those words can actually go together quite well. But so do these. Entertainment. Enlightenment. Education. Filmmaking. Say what now? Of course filmmaking is many things. It is what the filmmaker wants to make of...

Looking Ahead

Beyond the project we currently developing, The Inner Sonic Key, which is slated for release next spring, we are very excited about the project which is right behind that, Patterns of Creation. A very different project for us, but nonetheless one that fits with the...

Learning Curve

As a writer/filmmaker I have usually tried to take the highest path possible with the content I wanted to put out there. Even though there have been scripts I have been paid to write that for sure most would consider crassly exploitive. Yes, that seems to be the...