The Reel Deal

Looking Back
As 2017 winds down and I look forward to what we (our company) have on our horizon in 2018, I started reflecting on where I came from to get here, how I got here, and even why I got here. That has been a lot for me to digest, but I guess as you get older there is more...
Hollywood Needs Major Script Rewrite
HW stands for Harvey Weinstein, but it also stands for (H)olly(W)ood By now about everyone on the planet has heard about (and hopefully been disgusted by) the numerous sorted events surrounding Harvey Weinstein. I have no intention of rehashing the developing dialogue...
Production Anniversary
Yup, hard to believe, exactly 10 years ago today we wrapped "Dreams Awake" up on Mt. Shasta in northern California. It was the most fun, most stress, most crazy, most inspiring time I've ever had. And with a great bunch of people, both cast and crew. Anyway, here a...
Lost Imagination?
Everyone nowadays is a film expert. Aren’t they? Hell, maybe they are. It seems that now by the time you are twenty you’ve seen more movies than the number of books you will ever read in a lifetime. Does that make us less or more literate? Less or more educated? Less...
Losing My Virginity
It has now been over 30 years ago that I got paid for the very first time to write a feature film screenplay. Hard to believe it has all flown by that quick. And that someone was actually willing back then to unload some serious cash on me just to write said script....
Finding Courage
We all know what courage is … I think. Yes, of course we do, maybe. Courage is one of those brazen concepts that initially we should all have some common agreement on. But actually, courage involves a whole lot, a very whole lot, for such an obviously simple concept....
Meeting ‘The Dude’
Aahh yes, The Dude. Those of you familiar with the 1998 Coen brothers film, "The Big Lebowski" are certainly familiar with 'The Dude' played by Jeff Bridges. And if you haven't seen it, then never mind. This won't make any sense. For those of you who know the film,...
The Drone Rescue Adventure
Yes, I am loving me some drones about right now ... This past spring I figured it was time to get into the drone world, especially since we had a new project on our slate that seemed to demand that exact type of footage. Our little documentary, Mt. Shasta Spirit,...
Inner Sonic Key Narration
Our latest project, THE INNER SONIC KEY, is proceeding along very well, even if somewhat slower than I had originally expected. But of course that's usually the norm for film projects anyway. Especially indie ones. Anyway, I thought I'd pass along a few pics of our...
State of the Film Biz
Lately I have been stepping back more from the film industry to try and understand as much as possible all the light speed changes, forces, and issues at work for 21st century filmmakers. And how best to approach them. Many affect all filmmakers, whether indie or...