Way To Go Media Projects

Current Projects
Dreams Awake
(mystical family drama feature)
Completed for distribution. Winner of 17 awards in 20 worldwide film festivals, including three Best Actress awards for lead Erin Gray, best director for Jerry Alden Deal, and several best picture awards and nominations.
While on vacation, a disconnected family becomes stranded near mystical Mt. Shasta, and amazing possibilities open up. Hidden personal mysteries are uncovered as this transformational drama delves into that magical space between reality and illusions, dreams and wakefulness, and life and immortality.
The Inner Sonic Key
(metaphysical documentary feature)
All about the history, development, and evolution of one of the oldest, yet most secret spiritual traditions on the planet. An eye-opening revelation of the inner sound inside each of us, which connects all of creation. In post-production. Slated for 2017 release.
Projects in Development
Patterns of Creation
(animated sci-fi feature)
When several godlike beings decide to conquer and divide up a chaotic universe, an unusual special couple must travel the dangerous, multi-dimensional spiritual path to regain control of the Grand Pattern, which runs all evolutionary life processes in the Cosmos. Script rewrite in progress. Slated for 2017-18 production.
One Hand Clapping
(metaphysical family drama feature)
Sibling rivalry, multi-generational bitterness, and the possibility of reincarnation are the dominant themes when three brothers return to their small Texas home town to reconcile with their dying father. As they grapple with the repercussions of events 40 years ago, an 8-year-old child may have the power to change all of their fates for the better. Currently in production.
Mount Shasta Spirit
(mystical documentary feature)
All about the legend and lore of one of the most sacred places on the planet. From the tribes who have inhabited the area for centuries to the new agers, theosophists, Buddhists and other spiritual persuasions of all types who have come to experience its other worldly treasures, we will explore it all. Shooting in progress.
Dreams Awake Magic
(documentary feature)
See what magic it takes to create a transformational film like “Dreams Awake.” With cast and director interviews, behind the scenes clips, director commentary, and a successful film festival run, you can get it all in this documentary film; including the real magic behind the story.
The Vertical Path Inside
(metaphysical documentary feature)
About the vertical spiritual path inside us all, which can lead each of us from out of these lower worlds of illusions, beyond the far horizons, and into the wonderful world of the great reality. Pull back the blinders we have been programmed with and see how magnificent your inner being truly is.
The God Dilemma
(drama feature)
In a courtroom style docu-drama the human race is put on trial to decide its fate as an ongoing species. Prominent icons from the world’s religious and spiritual traditions come face to face with their true divine heritage. Where did they go wrong, or did they?
Shasta Trails
(webisodic series)
Short Webisodes about the different types of spiritual experiences people have while on mystical Mt. Shasta. Currently logging personal stories.
Time Dream
(sci-fi feature)
When psychics rule a future totalitarian world, two banished unlikely allies must join forces and race against time to unlock their long past-life memories, which holds the key to their world’s survival.