Way To Go Media Photo Gallery

SPOTLIGHT – Austin, TX – The stars were bright at the 13th Annual Texas Film Hall of Fame Awards at Austin Studios’ new Stage 7. From red carpet glamour, a dazzling reception, delicious dinner and a memorable awards presentation, to heartfelt storytelling, acceptance speeches and a rocking after party, Texas talent took it’s rightful place as a leader in film and creative media. Way To Go Media was honored to be a part of this monumental annual event.

Dreams Awake Production

These photos capture the dedication and incredible hard work the cast and crew put in during the production of Dreams Awake.
Photos courtesy of Sarah & Cindy Diaz

Dreams Awake Film Festivals

Once Dreams Awake was released to the world, we were fortunate to be included in many film festivals.  In fact, Dreams Awake won 17 film awards out of 20 different festivals throughout the US and Europe.

One Hand Clapping

Photos from the production of a promotional trailer for One Hand Clapping which was filmed outside of Austin, TX (Bastrop, Lockhart, Elgin).