Animation Summit

To help us get more connected and steeped into the animation world, we (my bro and I) recently attended The World Animation and VFX Summit in Marina del Rey. We met some amazing animators, producers, and others who work (and play) in the animation world. I have to say...

New Headquarters

Besides the project slate we have been developing this past year, we have been very excited about moving into our new Way To Go Media offices. That has been progressing nicely, even though the construction seems to be somewhat behind schedule. It feels a lot like...

Paradoxes & Illusions in Media

On occasion I do rant about the negative aspects of the industry I have been periodically working in over the past 35 years or so. Oftentimes I am not proud of the industry or even my rantings about it, but I try to do my best with it. And yes I feel like...

And Then There Was …

I’m going to go a little Hollywood on you now (warning: this is a long post). But I want to clarify first, that I am not overly impressed by the celebrity culture we seem to be living in now, and don’t take it too seriously. For various reasons I’m...

Balancing the Intricacies of Writing

We are all writers. Whether we author long form epic novels, pen heartfelt letters to our friends and family, or scratch out lists, menu items, or notes in journals to ourselves. It is one of the unique commonalities of communication among humans. Personally, I have...