Meeting ‘The Dude’

Aahh yes, The Dude. Those of you familiar with the 1998 Coen brothers film, “The Big Lebowski” are certainly familiar with ‘The Dude’ played by Jeff Bridges. And if you haven’t seen it, then never mind. This won’t make any sense....

The Drone Rescue Adventure

Yes, I am loving me some drones about right now … This past spring I figured it was time to get into the drone world, especially since we had a new project on our slate that seemed to demand that exact type of footage. Our little documentary, Mt. Shasta Spirit,...

Inner Sonic Key Narration

Our latest project, THE INNER SONIC KEY, is proceeding along very well, even if somewhat slower than I had originally expected. But of course that’s usually the norm for film projects anyway. Especially indie ones. Anyway, I thought I’d pass along a few...

State of the Film Biz

Lately I have been stepping back more from the film industry to try and understand as much as possible all the light speed changes, forces, and issues at work for 21st century filmmakers. And how best to approach them. Many affect all filmmakers, whether indie or...

Write & Cut

As I have mentioned many times before I got into the film world as a writer, specifically a screenwriter. I guess I will always consider myself a writer first. And then maybe a director and a filmmaker, even though I personally feel I need more credits under my belt...

Learning About Myself

Oftentimes when you are in a situation where the pressure and tension is at its greatest, near what you perceive as a breaking point, is when you can shine your brightest. For in those intense moments you learn what you are made of, or at the very least what you need...