We are all writers. Whether we author long form epic novels, pen heartfelt letters to our friends and family, or scratch out lists, menu items, or notes in journals to ourselves. It is one of the unique commonalities of communication among humans. Personally, I have written all types communications to and for my fellow humans, for more than 50 years now. I would not say I am a master of it or great in any way, but I do persist. It comes cleanly natural to me, and hopefully becomes a part of who I am. I often enjoy it, but that may not always be the case. At that point it becomes a task, almost a duty, if you will. For I feel it is something I must do. What does this have to do with the price of rice in Thailand? Not a damn thing, except …


… that I think it is important to communicate in meaningful ways, if we spend much time at this activity … especially for the purpose of others. I have written in many forms over the years. I had no idea where that would all go when I first started, because I just did it. And many times not really sure where I was heading when I put hand, head, and eyeball on a wire together in whatever medium I was playing with at the time.

Currently I write 2 blogs, am working on 2 screenplays, one a final draft and one a final polish, and an epic science fiction novel, plus a number of ideas periodically flowing in and out of my subconscious, and at times sticking in my conscious mind. They each require a different type of writing, and I’d like to think that what I am attempting to communicate has some value or meaning … beyond myself. But I recently learned an obscure facet about my writing life that I didn’t really know (or maybe didn’t want to admit to myself?). And I am still trying to figure out what it means. Maybe you can help? … if you so feel the urge to communicate in such a way …

Oftentimes my head and my heart often meander into different territories when putting my thoughts into a writing form. My strongest tendency is to work from my head, not my heart. At some level I have a theme working, but not necessarily do I immediately know exactly what it is. So my mind is working at an idea level, trying to flesh that out. I like to stretch myself towards ideas before I think of exact people to populate whatever ideas I want to communicate. Some writers have these immensely colorful characters they know they want to populate their worlds. I rarely do. I live mostly in ideas first, then try to figure out who best to put in them. Interestingly enough, I never really thought much about that until recently. A bit odd, yes? Let me explain.


My wife is great at writing little notes in cards she may send at different holidays during the year. And she thoroughly enjoys it. I do not. Mainly because I stumble around trying to find the right words to write. I let her do it, because I’m horrible at it. Funny, huh? I am at a loss for written words on such occasions. For some reason my heart is not in it. And maybe that is the point. These cards are going to people I personally know. When I usually write I am writing for an audience (people) I do not know. Making it non-personal. Does that mean something? Am I too impersonal in my writing attitude?

After some thought on it I think it’s deeper than that. When I write for an audience, I am forced (too forceful of a word?) at some level to make a connection with those people out there, whoever they may be and whoever I will probably never meet. So the level of engagement is different. If I try to write personal notes to people I know, why do I need to write something? Why can’t I just tell them, or maybe even show them? I may not always do that, but if I do it’s because I feel like doing that … in that moment. It’s spontaneous. When writing to an unknown audience, it may be in all reality more contrived. But I at least attempt to make it more real at some level for this unknown audience. And I am first using my head to figure that out, and then other levels of the writing come in later rewrites, if need be.

Over the years in discussion with other writers, this topic has never come up. I am wondering now what other writers think about this. When I write with true purpose I am attempting to communicate something I hope is important at some level. Which to me comes from my head, in the realm of ideas. But maybe, just maybe, I need to insert a little more heart? In watching the satisfaction my wife gets out of writing those notes, I am a bit in awe of how effortlessly she does that. Maybe a good conversation with her is in order. Now, why didn’t I think of that earlier?


Live and learn … write and learn …


Author: Jerry Alden Deal

Writer – Director – Producer of Way To Go Media, LLC.
Over the past thirty years Jerry has been hired numerous times to develop and write screenplays for other production companies. During that same period several of his spec scripts were also optioned. ‘Dreams Awake’ was Jerry’s feature directorial debut. He has several other projects in various stages of development. One of which, the feature documentary ‘The Inner Sonic Key’ is currently in post-production.

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